study material , articul or essays like internet , newspaper , computer ,radio ,television , letter like 1)personal letter ,2)business litter 3)official letter ,amplification, stories , science relate news & articuls ,news , life- style ,health , motivation ... LEARN-EVERY-THING: computer

Wednesday 1 April 2020



computer essay in english



The computer is a  an electronic machine that can solve various problems for us.Raw facts or data are provided to the computer.Then it processes the data and produces meaningful and desired output known as information . The computer needs clear cut instructions to tell it what to do , how to do and when to do. A set of such instructions is called a "program" .Once programmed and set to work a computer works  very fast  and gives us the desired results .


computer essay in english
history of computer

Computer history starts with the developments of a devise called  "abacus"  by the Chinese around 3000 B.C. It was used for calculation of the arithmetic operations . But it is Charles  Babbage who is known to be the father of the computer .During the the first decade of 19th century he developed a machine which had provisions for putting data , storing information , performing arithmetic operation and printing  out results . This provided  a base for other modern computers .The first modern electronic computer was built in 1946 by Thon Manchley and J.P.  Eackurt  and it is called   ENIAC  .


Computers can be classified into two types -Digital ,Analog and Hybrid computers . These computers may be either 'special purpose computers ' or 'general purpose computers' . Special purpose computers are designed  to meet the requirement of a particular task  or application  . General purpose computers are designed to meet requirement of many different applications  . Then again ,according  to the size and capability computers may be classified into four categories ----Micro computer , Mini-computers , Main frames and super-computers .

computer essay in english
micro computer
computer essay in english
mini computer
computer essay in english
main frames
computer essay in english
super computer


 Computers work very fast  and save our time  and labour. It can perform complex calculations rapidly and accurately ,store large amount of data and information , make decision  , provide information to the user  and draw an print graphs . Engineers and scientist  make use of the computer to solve  complex research  and design problems  . Without it many technological achievements ,such as landing on the moon ,would not have been possible . Computer have helped automation of many industrial and  business systems . They  are used extensively  in manufacturing and processing  industries, weather forecasting ,power distribution system , and airline , and railway reservation   systems banking  systems , transportation systems, and so on. It is also used as diagnoser  of  different  diseases. The 'Catscan machine ',used in hospitals for medical diagnoses contains  computers.
                               Business  and commercial  organization need to store and maintain voluminous records . They are now stored up in computers . The ability of computers   to store  large  amounts  of  data has led  to  their application ip  libraries ,employment exachanges  police department , hospital , offices ,and other similar establishments . They are also  used in international  games ,such as the Olympics and in films industry .Computers are further used as resources in teaching  and leanring   at all levels of education and training . Children  can play different   educative games  make drawing and paintings  watch films and songs in computers. The master copy of and books and writings  can be printed in computer . This process is known  as 'Computer assisted learning (CAL) . Computer are also used  to manage the learning processes   .  This is called Computer  managed learning  (CML)  . Of late the 'INTERNET'     system has been Introduced . By this system we can communicate to other computers through our own computer arid 'get all kinds  of information . This system is called  W.W.W   (Would Wide Web  )  . The whole   world  of  'INTERNET'   is called  cyberspace .


  A  Computer with  an operator  can do works of  hundreds of person in a day  .Hence , it is feared  that if it is  introduced  in large  scale it may aggravate  the problems of  unemployment  . Moreover  , it is said that computer  screen emits  some harmful rays  (electromagnetic) ,radiant energy and heat .  It may  cause failing eye-sight , cataract , body pains , miscarriage and birth defects. so ,  computers workers  must be very careful  to protect  themselves from these harms   .    

limitations :   

 The computer cannot perform any work  without man .  It  has no brain of its own brain . Anything it is  does is the results  of human  instructions . .

conclusion : 

man has invented  many electronic devices , but among them   the computer has made greater impact on society . it really is a wonderful    invention of science . 



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